Our website is currently undergoing major surgery. We are sorry for the inconvenience but hope to be back in action soon.
In the meanwhile, the below information may be of some help:
Yiddish Sof-Vokh UK 2025
Our 4th weekend of immersion in Yiddish will be held from Friday 20 to Sunday 22 June 2025. Once again, this will take place at Hillscourt in Birmingham (B45 8RS). Tickets will go on sale through the website in the New Year.
Yiddish Open Mic Café
Our Yiddish Open Mic Café runs approximately once a month. These online events draw participants and listeners from across the Yiddish-speaking world. For the time being, please go to our Facebook page for more information.
Recordings of previous sessions can be found on our YouTube page.
The next Open Mic will take place on Sunday 19 January. To receive a registration link and join our mailing list and get notified about upcoming dates, contact us on:
Yiddish Theatre Café
As part of our aim of actively supporting the further development of Yiddish culture, including the possible revival of Yiddish theatre in the UK, the Yiddish Café Trust is delighted to have launched a Yiddish Theatre initiative. The first events in London in 2024 were a great success, since when we have been holding Yiddish theatre workshops, with a view to forming a theatre troupe in the future.
For more information, contact:
About the Yiddish Café Trust
The Trust is a charity whose sole purpose is to support Yiddish language in the UK. It is entirely run on a voluntary basis, and its income is mostly from tickets for events aided by occasional grants to help with new projects, and donations towards our Bursary Fund. We would greatly appreciate donations towards our Bursary funds, which help younger adults and those with limited means participate fully in the Sof Vokh. Please donate here.
Charity Number 1200053